Journal Archives

The Journal Archives contain notes of the discussions from past weekly meetings — our topic, what we discussed, and what it meant to us all. In sharing what we got out of it, we hope you get something out of it too.

Topics sorted by Date. Sort by Title

# Title Date
316 Gratitude May 3, 2001
317 Homophobia Scale April 26, 2001
318 Easter/Passover April 12, 2001
319 Trust April 5, 2001
320 Romance March 29, 2001
321 Normality March 22, 2001
322 Internet March 15, 2001
323 Sin March 8, 2001
324 Bisexuality March 1, 2001
325 Self-Interest February 22, 2001
326 Partners February 15, 2001
327 Real Desires February 8, 2001
328 Mercy February 1, 2001
329 The News January 25, 2001
330 Death Illusion January 18, 2001
331 Chastity II January 11, 2001
332 Chastity I January 4, 2001
333 Motivation December 28, 2000
334 Light December 21, 2000
335 History December 14, 2000
336 Gay Seniors December 7, 2000
337 Christian Science Healing November 30, 2000
338 Thanksgiving November 23, 2000
339 Intimate Infinity II November 16, 2000
340 Intimate Infinity I November 9, 2000
341 Gay Agenda November 2, 2000
342 Emergence Conference October 26, 2000
343 Seven Synonyms October 12, 2000
344 Argument October 5, 2000
345 History September 28, 2000
346 Respect September 21, 2000
347 Democracy September 14, 2000
348 Travel September 7, 2000
349 Pets August 31, 2000
350 Intimate Other II August 24, 2000
351 Intimate Other I August 17, 2000
352 Labels August 10, 2000
353 Church Membership August 3, 2000
354 Family July 27, 2000
355 Growth In Grace July 20, 2000
356 Patience July 13, 2000
357 Investments July 6, 2000
358 Celebration June 29, 2000
359 Universality June 22, 2000
360 Serenity June 15, 2000

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