A Letter from the Christian Science Committee on Publication for New York
August 12, 2001"Dear Friends (for I address this to all of you),
I have thought frequently of my meeting with the group. The qualities which keep returning to me are "honesty" and "loving support". The group exemplified these qualities exquisitely. I also was reminded of the Bible quote "Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Both of these reflections embody CS. The expression of the Christ is so evident among you.
I have continued to give a lot of thought to the whole situation. Even more than fixing, it needs healing. I continue to pray to discern the best steps for me to take towards that end and to pledge my prayers as the most vital step. Please trust that if there is no outward evidence at this time it does not indicate that I am doing nothing. Experience has taught me (and continues to teach me time and again) that God's ways really are higher than our ways. I am working to see the solution in God's way. I promise you my commitment to that.
In the meantime, this week's selection of "Light" allows for tremendous inspiration. I'll be working with it also. I send everyone a hug.
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