A Rule for Motives and Acts

July 23, 1998

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.


For those who've misplaced their Manual here's the text we worked with during the week:

A Rule for Motives and Acts. SECTION 1.
Neither animosity nor mere personal attachment
should impel the motives or acts of the members
of The Mother Church. In Science, divine Love
alone governs man; and a Christian Scientist
reflects the sweet amenities of Love, in rebuk-
ing sin, in true brotherliness, charitableness, and
forgiveness. The members of this Church should
daily watch and pray to be delivered from
all evil, from prophesying, judging, condemn-
ing, counseling, influencing or being influenced
(Manual of The Mother Church,
by Mary Baker Eddy, Article VIII)

The member who requested we study this passage was impressed by Mrs. Eddy's requirement that it be read monthly in The Mother Church and in its branches, apparently to quash tendencies towards destructive criticism arising in organizations.  Our member also felt that although Mrs. Eddy did not comment directly on homosexuality, this rule could be seen as a succinct  teaching on the subject.

The passage addresses both motives and acts.  In Science motives are of prime importance — and when animosity and mere  personal attachment (note not "any" but "mere") guide motives or acts we'll run into trouble pretty soon.  The antidote is at hand — the "sweet amenities" of Love enumerated. Then our Leader gives us a group of qualities, that if practiced erroneously  will also lead to trouble.  But they can and really should be practiced from a spiritual standpoint. Thus prophesying correctly is the heart and soul of Science. ("Prophet. A spiritual seer; disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of   spiritual truth," Science and Health, pg. 593:4-5.)  We must judge righteous judgement (see Science and Health, pg. 444:13-22).  We condemn error, never person, place or thing.  Our counsel proceeds from God — the only intercommunication.  The only influence is being and knowing that others are the image and likeness of God.


Interesting healings  and insights came up during the week as we struggled with our topic.

One member who is out of town, telephoned to say this topic reminded her of the process involved in 12-Step recovery  One must pay constant, assiduous attention to what is going on in one's thought.

Another member experienced tremendous relief from problems as he saw and felt the light of truth shine right through a recurrent tendency to judge himself and others erroneously.

Another struggled through a sleepless night beset with worry about problems of the next day. This erroneous prophesying was exchanged for the real thing as he determined to assume that God was in control and would direct every thought and action as needed.   He had a wonderful and productive day.

One member found himself blown out of the water on a proposal he submitted to business partners.  He could imagine lots of cutting remarks and gloating behind his back, not to mention a quite unsatisfactory development in the business.  He too struggled through the night, but eventually saw the whole thing as very much on topic — he needed to get out of all the false assessments of the situation.  The answer came that there is but one Ego controlling and governing the whole thing and everyone involved.  In the morning, an alternative plan, giving peace to all came spontaneously to thought.   "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul," Science and Health, pg. 60:29.

On the way to the meeting a member had an encounter with a Baptist street preacher.   He was respectful about Christian Science but pulled out the stock questions about Jesus being the only son of God, and what's going to happen to you when you die.  Our member compared Mr. Fallwell to Hitler, and the preacher did allow it, as he, too had his disagreements with Mr. Fallwell (but perhaps our friend had overstated things a bit).   As for after death, our Christian Scientist said he'd just keep working his way closer to God.  The preacher said Baptists see themselves as already saved. Any work is just an expression of that already established salvation.  There was much more but this gives the flavor and shows how essential it is to be respectful of other's views — we might just learn something as our member did. He just floated along the sidewalk to our meeting after this.

We got very hung up on forgiveness, which is a big item in this Rule for Motives and Acts, so we made that our topic for the next week, not just to study but to live.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way only can we learn what we honestly are. If a friend informs us of a fault, do we listen patiently to the rebuke and credit what is said? Do we not rather give thanks that we are "not as other men"? During many years the author has been most grateful for merited rebuke.

In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one. What the prophets of Jehovah did, the worshippers of Baal failed to do; yet artifice and delusion claimed that they could equal the work of wisdom.

WILL. The motive-power of error; mortal belief; animal power. The might and wisdom of God.

"For this is the will of God." (I Thessalonians iv. 3.)

Will, as a quality of so-called mortal mind, is a wrong-doer; hence it should not be confounded with the term as applied to Mind or to one of God's qualities.

Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy


The question will present itself: Shall people be treated mentally without their knowledge or consent? The direct rule for practice of Christian Science is the Golden Rule, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye." Who of us would have our houses broken open or our locks picked? and much less would we have our minds tampered with.

There are solitary exceptions to most given rules: the following is an exception to the above rule of mental practice.

Any exception to the old wholesome rule, "Mind your own business," is rare. For a student of mine to treat another student without his knowledge, is a breach of good manners and morals; it is nothing less than a mistaken kindness, a culpable ignorance, or a conscious trespass on the rights of mortals.

I insist on the etiquette of Christian Science, as well as its morals and Christianity.

The only personal help required in this Science is for each one to do his own work well, and never try to hinder others from doing theirs thus.

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