Renewal II - Practice

January 14, 1999

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth. The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works.


As noted last week we had just established our topic, Renewal - Practice, when a severe disagreement broke out over dinner. We had wanted to venture beyond mellifluous words and thoughts into actually living renewal; and the unconscious motifs suddenly spotlighted gave us plenty of work.

A couple of members went to work on a new preamble for the group. Last week they had argued heatedly over whether matter exists; this week the wording of the preamble provided a fresh venue for their passion, which forced us all to dig deep to find the realities struggling to the surface for identity. Surely the dawn of a more peaceful coexistence of views is at hand. The truths coming up here are those most needed in any number of perceived conflicts, whether it be the impeachment trial, the rhetoric between Gay and non-Gay people, the Brazilian crisis. "The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares." (Science and Health, pg. 574:27-30) It is Love that shows us the oneness of all.

One member traced his agonized recovery from our dinner table crisis. It patterned childhood arguments at dinner time and he was amazed how easily he got into the old-time mode of refereeing. He was able to live his way out of this one by accessing a vivid realization of a fact he had long ago seen that family — which this recapitulated — was God being familiar with Himself. Next he felt terribly ashamed for some arrogant statements he had made based upon sense testimony. He was able to see the spiritual identity of the one he had insulted and then ask for forgiveness, which was graciously given.

Later he became aware of some debilitating envies he was nursing in regard to several people. He did not condemn himself for these but treated them as forms of desire or prayer, which were allowed to show forth their underlying, non-dualistic perfection. He was able to live as divinity and not just an envious or prayerful mortal. At church on Sunday, as he listened to the Bible Lesson on Sacrament, he discovered a kind of martyr sense within himself — he found himself identifying with Jesus' and Mrs. Eddy's sense of suffering for the sins of others, without appreciation and so forth. He awakened out of this sad dream with the blunt question, "Can one hold 'uncomplaining guard over a world' (Science and Health, pg. 47:6) if he is wracked by personal sense?" He had to let even this delicious concoction go as he saw each of us infinite, divine, eternal; this was the right sense of work in Science.

Another member phoned in a testimony. He felt unwell in the morning and started praying. He was unclear whether to go to work or stay home. He knew that motives are of prime importance, and this quote came to him, "Working and praying with true motives, your Father will open the way." (Science and Health, pg. 326:20- 21) He saw that he could not let fear or guilt dictate his decision, but that since Love alone is all, everything would be fine whether or not he went to work. As he resided in this fact it was clear he could stay home for study and prayer. Although there was much to do at the office, he felt no guilt and even discovered when talking to his assistant that things were going along just fine there.

A member was advised that a very dear relative was consigned to a critical care unit for a heart problem. Invasive procedures were planned. None of the members of this member's family are Christian Scientists. He told one of them what he uses when he goes to the dentist — that God is just seeing Himself as the various people at the dental office look him over — and his family member saw the simple truth embodied in this statement. Needles to say, the procedures were unnecessary and the dear relative is back home in good health and spirits.

A member attended a Wednesday meeting where the readings on divine justice superseding the human were very useful in undergirding the impeachment trial. The testimonies were mainly about healing fractured relationships. Our member envisioned the current disruptions as merely the birth pains of a sounder and deeper sense of community.

One member asked for assistance in finding motivation, even a reason to live. As others tried to word what it is that keeps them going, many found that none of us are that far from despondency. Most of us were quite amazed! It'll take some work and thought for each of us to resolve this one and then share some of the results, but a couple of helpful things did come up:

  • A member who in the past often felt suicidal, "fell in love with" himself a few years back and now can't wait to get up and out in the morning to see what adventure awaits him. He carries on a non-stop conversation with God about what's going on.
  • Another member quoted Margaret Laird to the effect that, "As a mortal, you don't amount to a hill of beans." He keeps this before thought to help him let mortal pretensions shrink before the divine facts of being.
We'll have to revisit this, but in the meantime we decided to go forth into the new week without a topic and see what comes up. We haven't been bereft of topic for years, so who knows what may happen

The Bible

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and "all things are become new."

Let the "male and female" of God's creating appear. Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy. Let us rejoice that we are subject to the divine "powers that be." Such is the true Science of being. Any other theory of Life, or God, is delusive and mythological.

Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,—this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony.

The manifestations of evil, which counterfeit divine justice, are called in the Scriptures, "The anger of the Lord." In reality, they show the self-destruction of error or matter and point to matter's opposite, the strength and permanency of Spirit. Christian Science brings to light Truth and its supremacy, universal harmony, the entireness of God, good, and the nothingness of evil.

God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis. Mind manifests all that exists in the infinitude of Truth. We know no more of man as the true divine image and likeness, than we know of God.

BENJAMIN (Jacob's son).

Renewal of affections; self-offering; an improved state of mortal mind; the introduction of a more spiritual origin; a gleam of the infinite idea of the infinite Principle; a spiritual type; that which comforts, consoles, and supports.

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