April 8, 2004
God is responsible for the mission of those whom He has anointed.
We took up the topic Security to keep thought focused on "the enduring, the good, and the true"(Science and Health, pg. 261:2) as Condoleezza Rice testified before the 9/11 Commission.
Most of us listened to what she had to say, but that fact was pretty much all that intruded upon the meeting. We had bigger fish to fry.
Principally, the deepening troubles in Iraq and, in spite of this and the economic wobblies, the prospect that we'll have four more years of the present administration.
Last time we looked at Security ([#topicd=20030423#]) the aim was on preserving the status quo. This time we sought to transcend ego and move beyond present concepts. Many of us felt pushed by personal problems and the news background to leave the false security of our usual comfort zones and "launch (our) bark upon the ever-agitated... waters of truth,"(see the Readings for the full quotation, Science and Health, pg. 254).
We started with the world situation, Iraq and terrorism. A member asked, "How are we looking at these problems through the lens of Science?"
"I try to go to the one Mind and understand that only good is unfolding."
"I agree that's the ultimate, but I find I need to address and handle the underlying sins involved — and that includes some sins in me."
"Like what?"
"Like the belief in personal sense, or the belief in matter. Also, that our security could be disrupted by a so-called evil person or a bumbler."
"Well, I see terrorism as a dualistic representation of unfolding harmony. It's an angel entertained unawares."
"I like that — but you have to handle such a thought like dynamite. It's very powerful, but could blow up in your hand."
"Could you explain that a bit more?"
"Sure. I can see error as mortal mind's version of the Truth. But then I need to drop the mortal mind and go for the divine Mind's version. Once I'm there, I need to stay there."
"Let me try this. Was Jesus's work in the tomb reassuring himself as to the relevance of the crucifixion? That it was a good thing and would inspire ages to come? I don't think so. He needed to see through all the claims of personal sense, to find and live the Christ or Truth of being. That's the kind of thing we have to do to heal the world."
"I see a problem, even sickness, as always based in some sin. All you need is a belief in matter or dualism."
"On the surface that sounds right, but it's not always that way. Last year you remember I lost my job. I was terminated abruptly and I was really upset. I tried to soothe myself with Science but I didn't go looking for any sins to address — their's or mine. I came to know, at a deep level, that I'd outgrown that concept of employment and was being moved along by the hand of God. Being fired freed me to get into all the stuff I'm now busy with — and I'm gloriously happy!"
This reminded several members of similar circumstances in their lives. Jobs were yanked, lovers failed to meet expectations, and churches excommunicated. All of which was quite painful at the time. Were the occurrences"sinful"? Probably — but as one member put it, "Whew! I'm now just glad to be free. Thank you Jesus."
We went on to a discussion of the five senses.
"Aren't there five spiritual senses?"
"I think Mrs. Eddy says there are."
"Well, I'd approach them first by investigating the way we use sense concepts metaphorically. We say things like, 'I see what you mean', 'I hear you', 'Something smells rotten in this deal', 'He touched my heart', or 'That discussion left a bad taste.'"
"There's also seeing or hearing deeply — in other words, beyond the surface, as in depth psychology."
"Yes, but it's still dualistic. I mean I could say George Bush is acting out his Oedipal anxieties in Iraq, but I wouldn't just leave it there."
"Right. But it might be a powerful springboard for a metaphysical insight. In that case, the romantic triangle of the Oedipal complex might be taken to indicate the wholeness of being. But I agree with you we must move any psychological concepts forward into the Science."
"Aren't we called in Christian Science to rise above the senses?"
"Yes, indeed — as dualistic concepts. But totally? I'd see that as schizoid — as splitting heaven and earth — leaving us floating in airy space."
"Look, if we use our five spiritual senses we can behold, in the broadest way, the man and universe of God's creating. And who are we then? Some paltry mortal? Why no — we're in the flow of God beholding God — of God being Himself as all."
Here are some healing episodes.
1) A member was overcome by feelings of insecurity this week when he looked at a quarterly statement sent to him by his financial advisor. Why were his balances so low? He prayed to discern the infinity of substance, and then called his advisor for an explanation. It turned out he was looking at the wrong column and his finances are stable.
2) Another member went into a tail-spin over not receiving a thank you note for gifts he'd sent to the children of a homophobic relative. The bad feelings were poisoning his work in Science and he "had it out with error" — using this quote from "Taking Offense"in Miscellaneous Writings: "It is our pride that makes another's criticism rankle, our self-will that makes another's deed offensive, our egotism that feels hurt by another's self-assertion. Well may we feel wounded by our own faults; but we can hardly afford to be miserable for the faults of others."(pg. 224:2) He said, "This helped reduce an inflated concept I was having of myself and let me just be Love."
3) Another member is having a problem finding a job, but this week discovered the joys of reading and praying in a Christian Science Reading Room near his home.
4) Two members discussed their dating prospects during the week. One finds himself initially drawn to a possible mate's voice and eyes. The other goes for overall looks. Both members became aware that dating has to be kept in alignment with divine purpose.
One of the members found himself discussing sex with a non-Gay friend, who mentioned "sacred sex"(which he has experienced rarely) where penis and vagina are indistinguishably one. Our member would like to transfer that spiritual breakthrough into the context of his next (serious) Gay relationship.
Near the end of the meeting, a member described difficulties he's going through with a doctor whose secretary said he'd be reimbursed by his HMO for a procedure the doctor was about to undertake. It turns out the HMO will not cover the operation and our member is stuck with the bill. The secretary refuses to acknowledge her mistake.
Members pitched in with metaphysical support, concentrating on our member having everything he needs and the integrity of man. One member, a lawyer, offered to draft a letter to the state insurance authorities.
We'll work on Religion for next week.
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
And he said, A certain man had two sons: And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
If living in disobedience to Him, we ought to feel no security, although God is good.
Jesus urged the commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," which may be rendered: Thou shalt have no belief of Life as mortal; thou shalt not know evil, for there is one Life,—even God, good.
To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.
We know that a desire for holiness is requisite in order to gain holiness; but if we desire holiness above all else, we shall sacrifice everything for it. We must be willing to do this, that we may walk securely in the only practical road to holiness. Prayer cannot change the unalterable Truth, nor can prayer alone give us an understanding of Truth; but prayer, coupled with a fervent habitual desire to know and do the will of God, will bring us into all Truth.
Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man. We cannot circumscribe happiness within the limits of personal sense.
To be every whit whole, man must be better spiritually as well as physically. To be immortal, we must forsake the mortal sense of things, turn from the lie of false belief to Truth, and gather the facts of being from the divine Mind.
If you launch your bark upon the ever-agitated but healthful waters of truth, you will encounter storms. Your good will be evil spoken of. This is the cross. Take it up and bear it, for through it you win and wear the crown. Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou art the guest of God.
There are diversities of operation by the same spirit. Two individuals, with all the goodness of generous natures, advise me. One says, Go this way; the other says, Take the opposite direction! Between the two I stand still; or, accepting the premonition of one of them, I follow his counsel, take a few steps, then halt. A true sense not unfamiliar has been awakened. I see the way now. The guardians of His presence go before me. I enter the path. It may be smooth, or it may be rugged; but it is always straight and narrow; and if it be uphill all the way, the ascent is easy and the summit can be gained.
Animal magnetism, in its ascending steps of evil, entices its victim by unseen, silent arguments. Reversing the modes of good, in their silent allurements to health and holiness, it impels mortal mind into error of thought, and tempts into the committal of acts foreign to the natural inclinations. The victims lose their individuality, and lend themselves as willing tools to carry out the designs of their worst enemies, even those who would induce their self-destruction. Animal magnetism fosters suspicious distrust where honor is due, fear where courage should be strongest, reliance where there should be avoidance, a belief in safety where there is most danger; and these miserable lies, poured constantly into his mind, fret and confuse it, spoiling that individual's disposition, undermining his health, and sealing his doom, unless the cause of the mischief is found out and destroyed.