Releasing Negative Feelings

April 23, 2009

BURIAL. Corporeality and physical sense put out of sight and hearing; annihilation. Submergence in Spirit; immortality brought to light.

Science and Health, by Mary Baker Eddy

"Release — it's from the same root as relax — it's about loosening."

"Laxative — huh?"

"Yes — letting it all go."

"When you said ' feelings' last time, I just thought ' thinking'. I guess that's what a thinking-intuitive type would think."

"And a feeling-intuitive like me would work to release bad feelings."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"It's personality typology. There are four mental functions: thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition."

"You don't know your type?"

"I'm a Christian Scientist!"

"Don't get upset about these human techniques. They're like the telephone or the chair you're sitting on — just aids to the practice."

"Anyway, most people approach things from the perspective of one major function with a minor 'helper' as they call it. The other two functions are usually unconscious and accessible through dream work or other psychological methods."


"Waking fantasies, transference..."

"For our purposes, I think — or maybe I feel? — we should handle all the mental functions. In other words, let's not try to release only negative thoughts or feelings, but also any negative intuitions and sensations."

"When Mrs. Eddy talks about mortal mind alias matter, she's certainly not referring to just sense testimony but rather to all the mental functions giving us dualistic messages. It's a whole package, mortal mind and its take on existence."

"Listen to this: 'The Revelator was on our plane of existence, while yet beholding what the eye cannot see, — that which is invisible to the uninspired thought. This testimony of Holy Writ sustains the fact in Science, that the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness' (S&H 573: 3-12)."

"Last time a couple of us were concerned with relationship issues, but before we get into those why don't we talk more generally about what we mean by negativity?"

"For me it's whatever mental sand I've built my house on that results in sin, sickness and death — Mrs. Eddy's triad of problems that mortal mind gives rise to."

"Let's remember mortal mind doesn't really exist, but paradoxically when we're in its grip, we don't see that at all."

"Mortal mind needs to be demoted or put in its place in every healing. In fact, if we're having a problem it's just an indication we've let mortal mind assume too much power."

"I'd say we need to detach from the mortal basis of belief — that's the level where healing happens."

"Read that quote from Science and Health but substitute ' problems' or ‘negativity' where she has ' accidents'. It's on page 424."

"Here: 'Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind, and we must leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind, in order to change the notion of chance to the proper sense of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony' (S&H 424: 5-9)."

"Those are very clear, detailed instructions she's giving us. We have to unite with the divine reality of what seems to be going on. All the functions operating with God at their center! Then we can let go of mortal causes and beliefs or as she calls them, 'the notion of chance' and replace them with the certainty of divine control bringing out harmony. What could be simpler?"

"Remember that old challenge ' Don't think about the Empire State Building' ? Of course not trying to think about it you end up thinking of nothing else. The trick is to actively think about something else. It's the same with bad mental stuff. Let the functions take up something fresh and hopefully God-based that'll drive out the evil."

"In other words, do unconditioned thinking."

"Thinkng — or as you say, funcrtioning — not based on mortal conditioning but rather on spiritual apprehension. "

"I got a lesson in that when I was talking to a practitioner the other day. One of my friends was going in for a stress test on her heart and another was recovering from breast surgery. I just mentioned I was about to call them to see how they were doing and the practitioner said ' Be sure you know before you call how they're doing'. Well, of course! How dumb it'd be to call them as one dual concept calling another dual concept — you know, it's the blind leading the blind."

"What's been happening with your uncomfortable feelings about your ex and his new boyfriend?"

"I worked with a psychic and a friend who's intuitive to get some clarity. Apparently there were past life involvements for all three of us. The Lessons on Atonement and Probation after Death both helped me get a firmer footing and adding it all up I now have some feeling for what I have to do. I need more prayer and meditation to rejoice in my own divinity. Also, if I feel a desire to help others, then instead of counseling and advising my ex without a fully clear, dispassionate mind, I could take on some clients for life coaching. That way I wouldn't be so invested in what the outcome looks like."

"I like that you could use practical mental techniques outside the regular Christian Science channels to get some insights.""You helped me at lunch on Sunday when you repeated what a practitioner told you about always acknowledging present perfection. I was doing just that when the guy I've been obsessing about at the gym arrived on the scene. I spoke to him but he was rushing and replied briefly. I wanted more and left disappointed. But I kept focusing on trying to understand present perfection. Also I worked with the idea that our relationship was already spiritually perfect — and as in Heaven so on earth.

"Still, I was in a funk. I'd been saying all along I'd been projecting my divinity on him — but where was the shadow? Suddenly I realized that my compulsion to connect with him was based in large measure on my belief he needed that attention to soothe his feelings of neediness, confusion and desperation.

"Ah, but again quite suddenly, it all fell into place. I'd been projecting my desperate need onto him. And — so sadly—his supposed attraction to me was but a projection as well. The whole thing fell in ruins, but unexpectedly, once I'd felt the full force of the tragedy — I actually cried a bit — the obsession melted like fog in the sunlight."

"You don't find him attractive anymore?"

"Oh, he's attractive alright."

"How do you know he's not attracted to you?"

"Well, I guess I don't really — but what I do know is that my obsessive involvement was painful and historical — it's a pattern from early childhood. And it's now either healed or on very shaky ground. I won't be able to pull one of these things again."

"Do you desire him?"

"I guess — well, yes. What's that got to do with anything?"

"I wouldn't be so fast to dump the desire. Let it be—without obsession — and see it as prayer. Look here: 'Thoughts unspoken are not unknown to the divine Mind. Desire is prayer; and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may be moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds' (S&H 1: 10-14)."

"In other words, the desire represents a divine energy — a message from God — trying to get through — right?"

"There you go! So don't bury it under an avalanche of platitudes. It's your infinity and eternality coming to light."

"Okay. It's topic time."

"Look — we're all traveling to different places the next two months. Why don't we do something about that?"

"Safe travel?"

"Perfect. Okay?"


"Safe Travel — two weeks.

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